The British Museum - Saturday 1hr 30 min tour ($ not free) - Around the World
This is a scheduled paid tour in the British Museum and is amazing. A well versed tour guide takes the tour group throughout the museum and explains about each area on the tour.
To see everything in the British Museum would take weeks and there are many free tours that are scheduled throughout the week. To see the free tours takes planning with time and logistics. Many presentations are at the same time in different parts of the museum.
To spend a week in the British Museum is helpful vs a day strolling through the facility.
The paid Saturday Tour is amazing. And the host is always also amazing. This museum is recommended as one of the places to see the history of the world in one location.
It's difficult to hear the tour guide due to the echo of the building and the number of people there that day. But after the beginning footage things become a little more clear despite people blocking the camera.